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Benedicte Hansen

Port Clements, BC, Canada

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Graduated from Visual Performing arts 1970, sold through galleries in 70’s. continued. My art education continued with university classes and continuing ed classes at University of Alberta in figure drawing and other lessons. Went to Sutton Art, with Eileen Sutton, for critiquing classes and my individual own style from 1998 - 2009.. During this period I exhibited on Jasper avenue, Edmonton. Since retirement I have been working full time on my art work, selling and... Read more

Artistic approach

I am interested in time. The captured moments, change, movement. Time changes us, and we are held in its grip. All things wither and fade and are born in time. Generations come and go and we are part of this march in time. As much as we try to change ourselves as we age you still can’t stop the process. We all want to capture our youth and youth want to be seen as more...Read more
