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    {{ product.formatted_price_to_show }}

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Bernadette Alcock

Ottawa, ON, Canada

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About Me and What I Do
We live in a ’throw it away world’. Nothing is made to last these days, if so, how would retailers make any money – right?! Something stops working…”Just get a new one”. Clothes get a hole, stain or fade…”Throw them out”. A vase or clock breaks, not a thought goes into where all these things being thrown out go. We are filling landfills faster every year leading to a serious... Read more

Artistic approach

Along with the joy of gardening, I have been lucky enough to find and experience the joy of creating something truly unique while recharging my batteries and stepping back at the end of the day feeling happy, refreshed and proud of what I have accomplished.

These garden sculptures have been handcrafted for indoor or outdoor use from an old t-shirts, grandmother’s doilies’, a water based, non-toxic textile hardener, a wire armature (frame), tin foil and a... Read more
