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Daniela Sanchez Vegas

Miami, FL, United States

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Artist and citizen of the world.
Born in Caracas Venezuela, she is a natural and captivating artist. Recognized for her ingenious way to create amazing pieces of art with her own creativity, straying away from the traditionally, giving life to all her creations with her owned colors palette. Her art presentation leans toward the abstract combined with mixed techniques that head a sustainable, eco-friendly initiative.
She created “Re-Inventando muebles ecologicos”  in Costa Rica which translates to: Re-invented... Read more

Artistic approach

Conceptual innovation, a robust work ethic, and creative portfolio management are all essential components to success in the art world. As a skilled professional with experience driving the development and completion of various successful artistic and design projects. Through painting, creating and art, I seek to express colour in all it's beauty. Colors make us sense happiness, something that we forget sometime. I also use it as an opportunity to explore the range of possibilities...Read more
