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Lyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France

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She is gratuated in space design in 2012, and persue with a PHD in Arts in 2020. 
 she likes to discover new technics and think arts have a fonctionel value in societies. Her dad is a craftsman, she always has had to help working whith her hands. After a few exhibitions, she decides to take time to help other artists by writting for them or helping in workshops  since a few time  she is  ready to... Read more

Artistic approach

Failling in art creates new way of concidering beauty, it opens new dimension, new wordls, that impact taste and representation in real life. This work is about these other dimensions. These photographs on aluminium support are about projections, fear of unknown, time dropping, adaptation in a new world or just a différent concidération of the existing world. 
It aims to take a time to think. 
