A love of drawing as a child, was not pursued as an adult, until I attended a 'Paint Nite' at a local bar in Calgary in 2016, at the age of 68! This reawakened a love of artistic expression and creativity. Work Shops and Art Classes followed, studying under Holly McWilliams, Loretta Secord, and David N. Kitler. A love of nature, animals, gardening and photography help to provide me with my subject matter. A recent... Read more
A love of drawing as a child, was not pursued as an adult, until I attended a 'Paint Nite' at a local bar in Calgary in 2016, at the age of 68! This reawakened a love of artistic expression and creativity. Work Shops and Art Classes followed, studying under Holly McWilliams, Loretta Secord, and David N. Kitler. A love of nature, animals, gardening and photography help to provide me with my subject matter. A recent commission to do a portrait of a friend's beloved pet has blossomed into a love of doing Pet Portraiture. I also enjoy painting wildlife, floral, and most recently I have started doing human portraits.
I also love to work with Mixed Media, incorporating resin inlays into some of my paintings, and painting on different surfaces, including slate tile, and different types of wood - black walnut, sassafras, pine and spruce. I also work 'live-edge' wood into some of my paintings, which I feel gives them a western flavor!
I am a member of the Calgary Sketch Club, and in 2020 I was accepted into the prestigious International Guild of Realism. I competed, for the first time, in The American Art Awards in 2020 and won awards with 5 paintings, including the Masterpiece Award (won in 4 Categories). I also have exhibited and shown with the Calgary Stampede and at the Okotoks Art Gallery.
Artistic approach
I am a Photorealist Painter. I try to promote the Art I love with Fine Art Realism. With each painting, I strive to capture a moment in time, a memory, or possibly a beloved pet, evoking emotion in the viewer. Imagery is my focus, capturing the viewer's attention with detail and accuracy.
Artistic approach
I am a Photorealist Painter. I try to promote the Art I love with Fine Art Realism. With each painting, I strive to capture a moment in time, a memory, or possibly a beloved pet, evoking emotion in the viewer. Imagery is my focus, capturing the viewer's attention with detail and accuracy.