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Marcio Melo

Montreal, QC, Canada

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Marcio Melo is a professional artist living in Montreal. Originally from Brazil where, as an architect, he worked in the restoration of centuries old heritage buildings. He came to Canada in 1987, and has made it his home. He has been exhibiting professionally since 1992. 
Marcio works in acrylic, digital, watercolour, crayon conté, and oil, on paper, glass, metal and canvas. He exhibits at his home studio in Montreal and has mounted major exhibitions in Brazil,... Read more

Artistic approach

In the last years I have been amplifying my creative process by working with figurative and abstract tendencies simultaneously. You will find an amplified use of figure and colour in my paintings, expressing my emotions and ideas. I am concerned with the creation of images that communicate something uplifting, hopeful. It is my contribution to Humanity’s evolution of positive psyche.

