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Wasi Haider Art

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I do not paint just for coaxing my heart and others but I paint for understanding the terminologies and hidden myth inside my entity. The arduous issues associated to every life make the men some persona, I got the feelings of my life in paintings as this the best way to stow my life on canvas as palatable feedbacks and prestige I have conceived while playing with colors and my thoughts to get my time... Read more

Artistic approach

I paint to understand the hidden myth inside my entity. I got the feeling of my life in painting as the best way to stow my life on canvas. My subjects are Faces(Different Moods), Time and Space, Figurative Drawings, Women and Cat and different series...

I paint to understand the hidden myth inside my entity. I got the feeling of my life in painting as the best way to stow my life on canvas. My... Read more
